I enjoy teaching students. I think it’s an incredibly valuable experience for students to learn to work with other allied health care professionals. The inner city youth are under-served, and this is a good opportunity for students to help their peers who are less fortunate than themselves.
Dr. Ghalib Ahmed, SHINE Preceptor
Contact our Directors by email at directors@shineclinic.ca or apply online:
SHINE Youth Clinic is looking for dedicated health science professionals in the fields of Medicine, Nursing, Nutrition, Pharmacy, and Public Health to volunteer as preceptors for SHINE.
Preceptors supervise two health sciences students during the course of their shift at the Armoury Resource Centre. We ask that preceptors commit to at least one two-hour shift per month. All shifts take place at the Armoury on Sunday afternoons:
- Cookin’ with SHINE 2:00 - 4:00 PM
To apply to become a SHINE volunteer preceptor, please email directors@shineclinic.ca with a short blurb stating your interest, professional background and any experience working in the inner city.
You will have the opportunity to serve disadvantaged youth and act as a role model and mentor for future health care practitioners. Being a preceptor also provides you with valuable leadership, mentorship, and teaching experience.